Monday, 12 May 2014

First Foods

Exactly one week ago M and I started V on his first solids. We decided to use rice cereal as a first food. One thing we both agreed on was that V was to have minimal processed food as possible. I did look into making my own rice cereal but in the end decided to purchase organic rice cereal. Our choice was Bellamy's organic rice cereal this was based on the fact when compared to other brands, Bellamy's had more iron per serve and given that one of the reasons baby's starts solids is due to iron depletion, we thought to give V as much iron per serve as we could. Also organic in our opinion is always the best way to go - we picked this up on special for about $3 a packet which works out to be the same and even cheaper than the other brands.

I thought a good time to start his first solids would be around his midday feed that way if there were any allergies I was able to see them throughout the day.  I gave V his full feed and waited 30 minutes before attempting his first foods.  V took to it like a duck to water - whilst being just a little over 19 weeks I knew he was ready he loved it he had approximately one teaspoon of food.  It is important to remember though all babies are different.  We knew he was ready because:

  • he was no longer full after his milk feeds and he was having about 220 ml a feed;
  • he has good control of his head and neck; and
  • every time we ate with V on our lap he would try to grab our food or even open his own mouth - he was mimicking the way we ate as well.

We thought it would not hurt to give it a go and see how he went and even if it didn't work out we would stop and try when he was a bit older.

On Tuesday I was going to attempt again but V came down with some cold symptoms and I decided to hold off and restart on Wednesday. Wednesday, Thursday, Friday V had rice cereal. On Saturday he was vomiting a bit so I decided not to offer solids as he couldn't keep his milk down.

Sunday and Today we offered him carrot which he loved more than the rice cereal.  Tomorrow I will try pear with rice cereal and see how it goes.

To be honest, when I first put V on starting solids I was so nervous he was going to choke or something was going to go wrong. I had to face this fear and every time I give him a new food I always have that little worry that something may go wrong. I just have to get used to it I suppose.

I also offered V cool boiled water after the feeds to make sure all bits of food that may be in his mouth have been washed out.

For the carrot puree:

I chopped an organic carrot and put it in the steamer for 20 minutes to make it soft. I then added cool boiled water and half a carrot and used the stick blender to puree.

How old were you when you first starting putting your little one on solids? what food did they like/dislike? what did you try first?

1 comment:

  1. Such fun starting bubs on solids. I started by boy at 4 months with the usual- rice cereal, carrot, pumpkin, banana, apple, pear. He loves everything! Thank goodness ;) Those stick blenders are a live saver too!!

