Monday, 19 May 2014

V's first job - Playgro Toy Tester

At the ripe age of 4 months old V was gained his first job as an official Playgro Toy Tester! Both V and I are are excited to work with such a great company as Playgro.

Whilst most people's jobs are not all fun and games for little V it is literally all about fun and games. My job - to use my mummy mind reading and observation skills to communicate his views on the products as well as take some photos along the way for our lovely readers to see our progress.

On Friday last week a lovely courier dropped off V's first box of toys - this was V's first ever package. When I saw who it was from I was excited. However as I did not want V to see it just yet I opened it in the cloak of darkness when he was asleep.  I wanted to make sure I got photos of all the goodies before he saw them.

L to R Activity Friend Roary Lion, Loopy Loops Ball, Safari Sounds Musical Tag Along Rattle and Picture Pals Teething Book

The toys provided are so lovely I did not know which one to choose so I decided to give V the box and for him to make the first choice for review...

So which did V pick from the box?

V chose the "Playgro Picture Pals Teething Book."  

On this blog I have introduced a new segment (I suppose I can call it that?) "Tried & Tested Thursday" where on Thursdays I will bring you V and/or I's reviews on different products so make sure you stop by for a visit.  This Thursday I will provide a review of V's first pick.

Now V is not the only lucky Playgro Toy Tester out there...the other Toy Testers and their mummies are on the same mission as us and have different categories. Our category is 0 - 6 months. 

I really recommend you check out the other bloggers as well as we all receive different things and as no two children are the same may have different views on the products. So without further adieu I introduce the other Playgro Toy Testers:


  1. Looks like you got some great toys too - I look forward to reading your reviews. My little Oliver is loving his first job too!!
    And thanks so much for adding the link to my blog as well, I really appreciate it.

  2. Hi There,
    Looking forward to reading your reviews and I thank you for linking my blog aswell but just a quick note I have now stopped blogging on that link and have moved to my own independant website

    Just thought I'd let you know so it can be updated.

    Mizz mummy

    1. Hey! No problem I have updated it :) I hope your new "blog home" is treating you well
